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so like
lets pretend its been a couple weeks in this story?
idk, the days i wrote in might have been accurate, bur i really dont know

Elton put his clothes in his suitcase.
He looked over at Corey, who was slowly packing his.

Corey looked completely drained.
He sniffled, blinking slowly as he folded his shirts.

Elton shook his head.
He put the last of the clothes in the suitcase.
Elton gathered his stuff up from the bathroom, putting it in his suitcase as well.
He closed and zipped the suitcase up.

Elton put his computer and camera stuff in his backpack.
After checking the room, he knew everything was packed.
Well, everything of his.

Corey had just finished with his suitcase.
He shuffled into the bathroom.
Elton chewed his bottom lip, worried for how Corey was feeling.

Corey came out with his stuff.
As he packed his other belongings away, Elton helped.
Corey eventually stepped back, observing the room.
His eyes landed on the bed they slept in and Corey whimpered lightly.

Elton glanced at him.
"Are you okay?" Elton asked.
Corey nodded, eyes glistening.
Elton patted his shoulder before they walked out to the hall.

Sam and Colby stood there, waiting for them.
Elton gave a slight smile, Corey sighed
Sam went to ask what was wrong, Elton shaking his head lightly.

Sam glanced at Elton, then back to Corey.
He sighed.

"Alright guys, let's get downstairs, our ride will be here." Colby said.
Colby and Sam walked to the elevator, Elton walking by Corey's side.
Corey pulled his suitcase (the one on wheels obv) down the hall with him.
Elton did the same, looking at Corey.
He wanted to talk to Corey, but knew it would end in crying and a big mess.

He kept his mouth shut for now.

When they got on the elevator, Corey shrunk towards Elton.
Elton put a hand around Corey.
"There's nobody out there, okay?" Elton said.
Corey nodded, watching as they reached the lobby.

The door opened.
Sam and Colby stepped out, Corey seeing nobody.

He followed, Elton behind Corey.
They waited for the car, all silent.
Sam and Colby exchanged glanced.
They had so many questions for the other two.

Elton and Corey didn't look at each other.
Corey simply shuffled his feet, one ending up rubbing up besides Elton's.
Elton stared at the floor, Corey's white sneaker against his black ones.
Corey played side-footsie with Elton, both staring at the floor.

Sam and Colby watched the two, their hearts hurting.

Elton and Corey looked up and into each others eyes.
Corey bit his lip before looking back down, pulling his foot away.
Elton sighed quietly, looking down as well.

"Okay! The rides here!" Sam said, wanting to snap the tension in the air.
Elton stood up quickly.
Corey heaved himself up, trudging out to the car.
Elton walked out as well.

Sam, Colby and Corey squeezed in the back, Elton in the passenger seat.
They drove to the airport, Corey staring glumly out the window at the passing sights.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now