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Elton sighed.
He parked in the familiar driveway, Sam and Colby getting out.

Sam ran over to Katrina, hugging her tightly.
Colby walked over to Jake, who was grinning widely.
Aaron stood outside, eyes darting over to the car.

Corey was still inside.
He looked at Elton, biting his cheek and stepping out.
Elton gave him a polite smile.

Corey had his backpack over to shoulder, then taking his suitcase out.
He trudged into the house.
He gave the others smiles before stepping into the house.

Colby stared, exhaling through his nose.
Jake's teeth were showing, almost like one long wince.
Aaron bit his lip, nervous.
Sam and Kat both looked at each other before back at the house.

Elton sat in his car, shaking his head as a tear rolled down his cheek.
He stepped out, deciding the help the boys with their stuff.
"Sam! Colby! I'm going to bring some of this stuff in, it's yours so get over here too." Elton said.
Jake, Katrina and Aaron smirked, watching the duo make their way back to Elton.

"Can't you do it? You haven't been to the gym in a month-"
Elton hit Colby shoulder.
Colby laughed before taking his suitcase.
Elton, Colby and Sam carried the heavy suitcases and bags inside.

Elton heaved as he placed a bag of cameras and equipment in the garage.
He sighed, looking around.
"Boring. Looked better when I was here." He mumbled.

He heard a loud voice upstairs, and the sound of slight crying.
Elton walked outside, not wanting to hear the fight the two were having.

When he did, he stood beside Aaron.
"Welcome back, Elton." Aaron said politely.
Elton smiled up at him.

The look in Aaron's eyes have it away, he knew everything.
By the way Jake looked at Elton and Corey, he knew everything as well.

Elton had no doubts that Devyn knew everything as well.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now