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Corey finally mustered up enough courage to enter the hospital.
He had gotten the text that Elton was awake.

When he entered, Elton stared blankly at him.
Sam and Colby bombarded Corey with questions.
"Where were you?!"
"Why'd you leave?!"
"What's going on?!"

Corey gave them no answer, watching as Elton looked at his crossed arms and fu,ed.
"Can we...be alone please?" Corey said softly.
Sam and Colby looked at each other.
"Please?" Corey said.
The duo nodded slowly before exiting the room.

Corey closed the door and walked over to Elton, who had tears forming in his eyes.
"I'm sorry..." Corey whispered, a tear rolling down his tear-stained cheeks.
Elton's bottom lip trembled.

Corey stood beside Elton, sighing.
His shoulder's shook as he cried.
"I'm so damn sorry." He said.
Elton, still looking down and fuming, was crying as well.

"I broke your heart, I almost fucking killed you." Corey said quietly.
"I'm a worthless piece of shit."

Elton then looked up at Corey, sniffling.
"Don't say that about yourself." Elton whispered.
Corey gave him a partial smile.
He let out a soft exhale, Elton wiping his eyes and uncrossing his arms, a sob escaping his lips quietly.

Corey pulled a chair to be next to Elton's bed, sitting and looking at Elton.
"What...exactly happened?" Corey asked softly.
His hands rested on the bed next to Elton's.
"I..." Elton gulped.
Corey encouraged him to speak, giving him a slightly sympathetic look.

"I think I had a panic attack or something. I kinda just...broke down." Elton said.
Corey sighed, crying silently again.
"I'm so sorry for destroying you...us." He said.
Elton nodded.
"I'm not...not mad I don't think." Elton said.

Corey stared at Elton's eyes, which were looking down.
"I'm just sad." He said, looking at Corey.
Corey nodded.
He sniffled, Elton too.

Corey sighed, more tears dripping down his cheeks.
He started crying again.
"Elton I..." Corey started.
"I'm n-not really sure if the feeling that I have is really what I think but...but I think I-I love you back.'' Corey choked out.

Elton's eyes went wide, staring at his sobbing best friend.

"I just...I'm fighting myself because I grew up i-in such a...Christian household and I just-" Corey stuttered, choking on sobs.
He was fully crying, not holding back at this point.
"I was told it, liking boys and guys, was w-wrong, and t-then I met Devyn and thought I would be able to just forget the fact that I like dudes as well as girls, but I c-can't just pretend and forget anymore."

Corey cried, shoulders shaking.
Elton was crying silently, surprised at what he was witnessing.
"You're here with me, right now, while Devyn's at home, waiting for me, and my emotions are everywhere and they're not giving me a break." Corey whispered.
Elton nodded, biting his lip softly as Corey regained control of himself.

"I just don't know what to do anymore." Corey said, voice breaking.
His lips trembled, tears created wet spots on the hospital bed.
Corey's hands shook, which made Elton put his hand on top of them.

Elton stared at their hands, while Corey cried.
They didn't speak, they just sat with each other.
And when their eyes met, the world seemed to stop.

Everything felt as if it subsided.
The pain, the sadness.
They just stared into each others glistening eyes, gaining a feeling of almost bliss.

Slowly, they both leaned forward.

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