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~10 years later~

"So, you're room 304, up on third floor." The man behind the desk said.
He handed the hotel room key to Elton, the bearded male smiling.
"Thank you." Elton said politely.
"Have a good one, you two." The man added.

Elton happily walked down the hallway to the elevators, his spouse following.
"After you." Elton said.

Corey smiled, walking into the elevator.
Elton followed, clicking the button for the third floor.
Corey smiled, head on Elton's shoulder.

Elton hummed, kissing his husband.

They stepped off on the third floor, Elton humming his way down the hall.
Corey giggled, following as he pulled the wheely suitcase.

Elton stared at the handle, slowly attempting to open it.

He struggled, eventually turning to Corey.
Corey shook his head.
"Elton Castee, can't even open a hotel room door." Corey said softly.
Elton crossed his arms.

Corey got the door open on the first attempt.

He sent a smug smirk in Elton's directing, strolling into the room.
Elton followed.

They placed their things in the corner of the room.
Corey hopped onto the bed.
"Elton, I-" Corey started.

Elton giggled as he jumped on top of Corey, pinning him to the bed.
Corey was completely cut off by Elton's lips on his.
Corey whimpered and hummed, Elton sighing deeply.

"Sorry, what were you saying baby?" Elton said quietly, staring down into Corey's eyes.
"I was just saying I need the password for the wifi, so we can facetime the kids." Corey said quietly.

Elton stood up quickly, looking around the room.
Corey giggled, Elton scrambling to find it.
"They said it was written down somewhere, I think, uh.." Elton mumbled.

He grabbed the notepad off the desk, grinning.
The first page had the password scribbled down.
"Found it." Elton said.

Corey giggled again, kissing Elton once.
Elton grinned into their lips.

Corey pulled out his phone, focusing as he connected himself.
He grinned.
"I got it Elton! Come here so we can see the kids." Corey said.

Elton sat next to him, around behind Corey's back as he stuck his face besides Corey's.
Corey opened facetime, going to call his mother, who was watching the kids while Elton and Corey were away.

When she answered, Corey grinned.
"Hello sweetheart!" She said.
"Hi mum." Corey said.
"Hello Mrs. Scherer!" Elton said, making Corey giggled.

"Mum, could you put Dylan and Sophia on?" Corey asked.
"Why of course, kids! Your fathers are on the phone!" His mother said.

Corey glanced at Elton, who was making funny faces on the facetime screen.
Corey giggled, hitting his chest slightly.
Elton smiled, kissing Corey's cheek.

"Dad! Papa!" Two young voices said.
The faces of their children popped up on screen.
"How are you two troublemakers? Causing havoc for Grandma?" Elton said.

"No, I've been good, Dylan's been a troublemaker though." Sophia said.
Elton giggled at his daughter.
"I have not! She's lying!" Dylan said.
Sophia laughed.

Dylan was seven, very soon turning eight.
Sophia was five.

Corey chuckled.
"I miss you two already." Corey said softly.
"We miss you too." Dylan said.
"Why'd you have to go?" Sophia asked.

"Well, Dad and I wanted to celebrate us being married for 10 years." Elton said.
Corey smiled, kissing Elton's cheek quickly.
"When will you be back?" Sophia said.

"Two weeks." Elton said.
"Only 14 days." Corey said.
"Okay..." The two kids said quietly.

Corey glanced at the time.
"I know it wasn't a long conversation, but it must be getting late for you guys?" Corey said.
Dylan nodded.
"Grandma was just getting us ready for bed." Sophia added.

"Alright, well, I've got to let you guys get back to that." Corey said.
"Goodnight Dad, goodnight Papa!" The kids said.
"Goodnight." Corey and Elton said with a smile.

The second Corey turned his phone off, Elton plucked it out of his hands.
Corey raised an eyebrow, watching Elton place it on the nightstand.

Elton slowly sat on Corey's lap.
"Come on, don't look so surprised." Elton said.
Corey blushed.
He leaned up to kiss his husband.

~the end~

it feels weird to leave this off at an odd number,

but anyways,

thank you all so much for all the love and support with this book

i'd like to say thank you to ghostofryden who i met through this book, and i absolutely love them to bits 😂

but thank you to everybody else, i wouldn't get to write and be happy with all my new friends without all of you supporting what i do

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