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Elton took a shaky step.

A nurse held onto one side of him, Corey holding onto the other.

Elton gulped, body trembling.
"You're doing great, Elty." Corey whispered.
Elton licked his chapped lips, smiling lightly.

He took a step a little too quickly, knee shaking as he almost toppled over.
Corey held him tightly, the black haired man falling into his body.

Corey blushed and smiled.
Elton pushed himself off Corey's chest slowly.
Corey held his arm as Elton continued slowly.

"W-when do you think I'll be able to go h-home?" Elton asked, looking shakily to the nurse.
As she spoke softly to Elton, Corey held him tightly.
Elton was leaning against the stronger man.

Elton turned and smiled at Corey.
Corey smiled at Elton, running fingers through his messy, black hair.
Elton turned to return walking to hospital room.


Elton laid in the bed, Corey in a seat next to him.
Fitz, Heath, Jay and the others were always in and out, but Corey wanted to stay.

Elton was looking at his feet, moving them under the hospital blanket.
Corey really wanted to ask Elton out, but they were sitting in a hospital and still had to wait for Elton to be let out.

They had confessed their love for each other, and it ended there.
Corey sighed, playing with his thumbs.

He glanced around the room, eyes settling on the wilted flowers in Elton's room.

Corey smiled, thinking to himself.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now