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Elton woke up with a jolt.
He looked around, squinting.
"Jesus christ."

Elton turned, seeing a familiar duo on the couch.

Elton crossed his arms, sniff,ing lightly.
"What h-happened?" He asked.
"You tell us, we walking into the hotel room and you were just passed out, shaking with your eyes rolled to the back of your head." Sam said.
Elton looked away.

"I-I don't know either." He said.
"Elton, you can tell us." Colby said.
Elton sighed, looking at them.
"I don't know, maybe it's because I've just been so tired since we got here." Elton lied.

Colby bought it, nodding.
Sam looked more suspicious.

Elton gulped, looking around.
"H-hey, where's Corey?" Elton asked.
Then he remembered.
His heart sunk but he tried to hide it.

"I dunno, he kind of just...left." Colby said.
Elton gulped and nodded.

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