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After swimming in the aquarium, they all started to walk to the hotel.
Unfortunately, Elton's plan of walking was clearly a mistake.
They hadn't checked the weather.

The wind picked up, then the dark clouds rolled in and sun faded, its started pouring as well.

Elton shoved himself and Corey into a small convenience store, Sam and Colby following.
Corey shivered, Elton wanting to comfort him.
He rubbed Corey's back before looking around the store.
Corey followed.

As they walked around, the lights flickered.
Corey glanced at Elton.
Elton grabbed candles off the shelf.
"I'm assuming we'll need these." He said.

Elton inwardly groaned, thinking it seemed sexual.
Corey just thought Elton was being thoughtful.

Corey smiled.
"I'll get us some snacks." He said.
Elton smiled.
He picked up the candles and went to find a lighter.

As he did, he saw Sam, Colby and Corey picking out chips and pretzels.
Elton smiled.
They put them all together, Elton about to pay.
"Shit, wait-" Elton mumbled.

"Corey, grab some umbrellas." Elton said.
Corey quickly ran down an aisle.
He came back with three.
"There was only three." Corey said.
He out them with the rest of their things.

"We can share, right Corey?" Elton asked.
Corey blushed and nodded.
Elton thanked the cashier as they put the stuff in two bags.
Elton took one bag, holding the umbrella as Corey took the second.


By the time the four had gotten to the hotel, the power was out.
"We'll pretend we don't have candles-" Elton whispered.
Corey giggled.

They went up the stairs and parted ways with Sam and Colby, handing them whatever bags they had picked out to eat.

Corey went to use the bathroom, Elton putting the chips on a bedside table and candles there as well.
Elton also out a few candles on the dresser the t.v was on.
He smiled.


Corey walked out, staring.
His cheeks turned red at the sight.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now