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Aaron stood by the window, watching as Elton and Corey talked.
The slight smile that Aaron held, had slowly dropped when Corey came inside quickly.

Corey let Navi walk around the house, leash still attached.
He started crying.

Aaron walked over, Corey hugging him.
"H-he-" Corey started.
Aaron shushed him, Corey crying in his arms.
"It's what I get Aaron, I broke his heart and left it in pieces on the floor. Now it's happening to me." Corey cried.

Aaron shook his head.
"Corey, I don't think you destroyed-"
"I did Aaron! I did! I'm the worst human on the planet!" Corey said, crying.
He quickly made his way upstairs.

Aaron shook his head, unclipping Navi's leash as a door slam was heard upstairs.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now