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"Elton!" Corey yelped, not jumping out of the plane.
"Go Corey!" Elton said, both he and Corey yelling over the noise of the plane.
"I've done this shit multiple times, nothing is going to happen, I promise!"

Corey stared out.
"Okay, three, two-"
The person who had to be strapped to Corey's back jumped.
Elton peeked out, seeing them going down.
He let out a smile.

As Corey's parachute went up, Elton jumped, then Sam, and finally Colby.

By the time Elton got down close to the ground with his parachute up, Corey had touched the ground.
Elton landed, laughing loudly as Corey kissed the ground.
"Ugh, glorious yet sandy and dirty Australian ground..." Corey said.

He stood up, hand over his heart.
"Corey, you're on the ground, why are you still scared?" Elton asked, still giggling to himself.
"Because my heart was going like bupbupbupbupbup!" Corey said, making Elton laugh again.

As Elton walked inside the building, Corey stared up at the sky.
"I was all the way up there? And jumped all the way down here?"
After a second, Elton walked out, holding his camera.
"Yes, all the way up there to down here." Elton said.

"Hold this please." Elton said, handing the go-pro to Corey.
He started recording Corey.
"So like...now I'm nervous becauseI don't know if you wanted to start this trip with a bang but have everything be anticlimactic compared to this, or if you set high expectations and plan on only going more intense from there." Corey said to Elton.

Elton just gave him a cheeky smile, walking inside again.
"Oh, no no no, Elton Castee-" Corey said, clinging to Elton's arm.
Elton turned to Corey.
"Corey darling, everything will be alright if you quit acting like a baby-" Elton had said in a posh voice.

Corey made a face before hitting Elton's arms.
They both laughed slightly.
Sam and Colby walked inside, Elton turning to film them.

Corey's smile dropped before he stared off into space again, deep in thought.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now