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Corey and Sam stared at each other.
Corey's heart beat picked up and he stared down.

"Corey, what happened?" Sam asked.
Corey didn't respond.

Desperate for the truth, Sam pushed Corey to tell him.

"Was it bad?" Sam asked.
Corey nodded slowly.
Sam thought for a moment.
"Did you...do something together?" Sam asked.
Corey didn't move.

"Corey Scherer, don't tell me you and Elton Castee fucked."

Corey looked at Sam.
Sam's jaw dropped.
Corey wiped his eyes, pulling the blanket away from himself.
"I can't believe it." The blonde said.

Sam stood up, pacing.
"You can't tell him that I told you! Or Colby!" Corey said, standing as well.
"I won't I just-"
"Why?" Sam asked.

Corey sighed.
"We were dancing, like, I tripped into Elton and we kissed then we were on the bed and I don't know, it escalated so fucking fast." Corey whispered.
"What about Devyn?"
"We were arguing earlier, Devyn hadn't talked to me in a while and we weren't thinking straight!" Corey snapped defensively.

"Well, yeah, two dudes fucking wouldn't be thinking straight." Sam said, rubbing his eyes.
Corey hit his arm, glaring.
"What are you two going to do?" Sam asked.
Corey let out a scoff, eyes watering.

"We have no fucking clue."


Elton stared at Colby.
The brunette held a gaze, wanting Elton to tell him the truth.

Elton felt himself breaking down again.

His eyes watered heavily and a tear fell from them.
"I love him." Elton said.
Colby's gazed softened, watching Elton and his heart break slowly.
"And he said he loves me, but he's still with Devyn." Elton said.

"The first night here, we danced, and then kissed and then..."
"Hooked up."

Colby's eyes went wide as he stared at Elton.
"You're fucking joking, right?" Colby said.
He was so confused, beyond rational thought.

Elton shook his head, staring at his hands.
"And the reason I ended up in the hospital was because we fought, said some nasty shit and I guess I got so heartbroken that I shut the fuck down." Elton said.
He sniffled, wiping his eyes.

Colby didn't say anything, he just stared past Elton.
Elton glanced at him, face turning red before Elton looked away.
"You wanted the truth Colby, there it is."

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