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Corey sat in a hospital chair, turned and leant against Heath.

Corey had finally stopped crying, and was close to falling asleep.
Heath had been stroking Corey's hair, crying as well.

As much as others may think it's a sign of romantic interest, the two had simply seeked comfort with each other, and brought them a little bit closer as friends.

Corey's eyes kept fluttering closed, sleep threatening Corey's consciousness.
Fitz looked over at him, Jay as well.

"Corey, you should just sleep." Jay said.
"I'll wake you if anything important happens." Heath said.
Corey nodded, yawning.

He quickly fell asleep, his soft snores making the room slightly more comforting in a way.
Heath closed his eyes looking at the floor.

"Do you think the news we get will leave Corey even more destroyed and heartbroken after we leave this hospital?"

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