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Fitz and Jay sat in the waiting room with Heath and Scott.

Nobody else knew what happened to Elton.

Fitz had told Jay what Elton said, and Jay hadn't said anything.
He just nodded.
They were all aware of what happened between Elton and Corey in Australia, but didn't know it was this bad.

Scott had his head in his hands, in the same position for about 40 minutes.
Heath heard the quiet cries from the man who sat next to him, and had to hold his own tears in.

The only time Scott looked up was when a nurse walked out of Elton's room.

Jay perked up, looking at her.
Fitz glanced up at her, eyes returning to the floor.
Heath stared blankly in her direction.

"Can we see him now?" Jay asked quietly.
"Only two at a time, please." She said quietly.
Scott looked around.

"You two go first." Heath said quietly.
Jay nodded, tapping Fitz's shoulder as he stood.
The two shuffled into the hospital room, Fitz gulping at the sight.

Jay couldn't get annoyed at the fact that Fitz was so sad, seeing as Fitz was the one to hold Elton and watch as he slipped out of consciousness and got close to death.
All Jay could do was comfort Fitz.

Elton laid in the hospital bed, unconscious.
It was a horrible sight.
His paled skin, matted hair and tear stained face.

Fitz whimpered, wanting to shrink away from Elton.
Jay stepped closer, hand going to fix some of Elton's hair.
"Elton Drew Castee, what the fuck have you done?"

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