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"Dammit Corey.." Sam mumbled.
Colby stared at him.
"He still won't answer his phone." Sam said, sighing.

They had seen him run out the house, and quickly to his car.
Before they could ask what was happening, Corey was down the street.

Sam thought for a minute.
"How else can we find him?" Aaron asked, sitting with the duo, Jake along with them.
Colby sighed loudly.
"I don't know like..." Colby started.
He shrugged, shaking his head.

Colby took the phone from Sam, calling Corey.
"Pick up, pick u-" Colby muttered.

Someone picked up.

The sound of faint murmurs and hushed voices could be heard.
"C-Colby?" Corey stuttered out.
"Yeah, dude where are you? You flew out of the house today and won't answer us." Colby said.
"You're worrying us, Corey." Jake added.

Corey took in a sigh, a slight cry escaping his lips.
"I'm at the hospital..." Corey started.
"It's about Elton." He said quietly.

Sam's jaw dropped, sadness in his eyes.
"What do you mean? What's happened to him?" Colby asked, panic in his voice.

Corey choked out a sob.
"Why didn't you tell us! Corey- we're going to be there in a few minutes." Colby said, annoyed, scared and sad at the same time.
Before Corey could respond, Colby hung up.

Aaron stood up, Jake following.
Sam was frozen in his seat.
"Corey was crying...it must have been bad if Corey was crying." Sam whispered.

"Then lets go!" Colby said.
He, Jake and Aaron walked to the door, Sam scampering after them.
The quickly got into Colby's car and drive to the hospital.

They wouldn't have ever expected or anticipated what was going to happen.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now