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Corey laid in bed, curled on his side.
His back faced Elton's.
Corey gripped his pillow, staring forward.

Elton was snoring softly, indicating he was asleep.
Corey just couldn't seem to.

All he could think about was the shit he put Elton through.
Corey still had a girlfriend.
Corey said he loves Elton.
Corey literally hooked up with Elton, and went to act as if it never happened and everything was okay.

Corey sighed.
He felt his eyes sting.

All he wanted was for everything to stop.
For all the sadness, heartbreak and anger to stop making Corey tear himself up inside.

He closed his eyes, shaking lightly.
Corey cried quietly, making sure to not let out sobs.
He didn't want Elton to wake up and have to deal with his bullshit anymore.

Corey cried himself to sleep.

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