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Corey sat at the dinner table, fork slowly picking at the food.

It was Thanksgiving, and it had been around a month since he travelled to Australia with the others.

Sam, Katrina, Colby, Jake, Tara, Aaron and Tori all sat at the table.
Even though Colby wasn't with a lover, he was talking to Sam and Katrina, like they were a tiny family.

Corey sat awkwardly at the end of the table.
Aaron was beside him, occasionally smiling at him.
Corey never returned them.

"What's wrong?" Aaron asked into Corey's ear.
Corey shrugged, slowly eating a piece of turkey.
Aaron frowned.
Corey sighed and looked down, eyes watering.

Aaron whispered something quietly to Tori before standing up.
"Come on." Aaron said.
Corey stared up at him.
The others slowly quieted down and looked at Corey.

Corey stood up slowly.
Aaron walked upstairs, leading Corey behind him.
Aaron sat on his bed, patting the spot next to him.
Corey slowly sat, knowing Aaron is going to give him a big, long, yet still correct, speech.

"What's wrong?" Aaron asked softly.
Corey sighed.

"I miss Elton. I miss him...I don't know...I just wonder what's he's doing and if he misses me like I miss him." Corey whispered.
He blinked, a tear rolling down his cheek.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now