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Corey paced around the hospital parking spot, around the car.

He knew it was all his fault.
His fault that Elton's in the hospital.
His fault that Elton started feeling what he felt.
His fault that Elton's heartbroken.

His chest felt like he had just been punched, and all the breath snd wind was knocked out of him.
He wanted to scream and cry, but he didn't have enough energy.
Tears silently dripped down his face.

He felt like crumpling up and dying.
Devyn was at home, in a fight with Corey.
Elton was in the hospital, also technically in a fight with Corey.

He kept repeating curses to himself in his mind.
Because it was all his fault.

All he could do was scold himself, and tale himself down inside.
He couldn't do anything to help Elton, because everything he did would break Elton's heart anyways.
He couldn't tell Sam or Colby the reason Elton was in the hospital.
Everything was broken.


All because of Corey.
Because Corey was too blind to see what he was doing.
Because Corey was too impulsive..
Because Corey didn't understand consequences.
Because Corey couldn't accept it.

Because maybe, just maybe, he liked Elton a little bit too.

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