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Corey stood in the hallway, crying and hanging his shoulders.

Fitz stood in front of him, looking at the floor.

"He really said he loved me?" Corey asked quietly, trying to sob his sobs.
Fitz nodded, on the verge of tears.
Corey started crying again, which made Fitz cry as well.

Heath stood in the hospital room, staring down at Elton.
He wiped his eyes, sighing.
"I'll take care of Corey for you, I'll watch out for him." Heath whispered.
"Goodbye Elton Castee, you were the best friend anybody could have asked for." Heath whispered.

He stepped out of the room, clutching his hat in his hands.
He glanced at the others.
"Okay...who wants to say something to him." Heath whispered.

Scott stepped forward.
He shuffled into the room, sighing.
"You always told me to stay strong and...if I had known you wanted to...do this to yourself, I would have helped you." Scott whispered.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you all the time, I just hope you know how much to mean to me." Scott choked out.

He turned around, quickly exiting.
He walked over to Heath, the two crying beside each other.
Jay and Fitz went in, both talking about the years they knew Elton, and everything they had been through, and how grateful they were for him.

When they stepped out, everyone looked at Corey.

Corey sighed, looking at his feet.
He stepped inside the room, gulping and looking at Elton.
Elton had gotten slightly paler, his eyelids seemed deeper and darker, his heartbeat was slower.

Corey looked at his feet again.
"I'm so sorry." Corey whispered.
"I wish...I wish I could have gone back and stopped all the pain from happening." Corey added quietly.

He stepped closer, hand holding one of Elton's.
He stroked the back of it with his thumb.

"I know that at times...it kinda worked it but...in the end, it really fucking didn't." Corey said.
Another tear rolled down his cheek.
"And I'm sorry I couldn't be better for you." Corey said.

He bent down, raising Elton's hand to his mouth.
He gave it a gentle kiss, then looking at Elton's face.

"I will never forget you, Elton Castee."

Corey gulped, shaking lightly.
He leaned forward and kissed Elton's cold lips delicately.

Then, he heard a sound he so desperately prayed he wouldn't hear.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now