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Sam stopped talking, hearing a loud thud from the other room.
Corey turned.
The sound came from the directions of the hall/his and Elton's room.
Colby looked at them, then standing up and going to the door.

"Nothing's there." He shrugged.
Corey stood up, walking into the hall and going to open their hotel room door.
"Fuck, it's locked." He mumbled.
"Elton, open the door please?" Corey said.

No response.
He turned to Sam and Colby, who had suspicious looks on their face.
Corey knocked.
"Elton? Are you in the bathroom?"
No response.

Corey's heart started beating quickly.
"I-I-" He started.
Corey dug around his pockets, praying that he had a room key.
Sam ran into the room, seeing if he and Colby had a spare room key.

"Corey! I found it!" Colby said, spotting the card on the floor.
He grabbed it, thrusting it into Corey's shaking hands.

Corey swiped the door open, bursting through.
"Elton!" He said.

Elton laid on the floor, his eyes rolled back.
His body trembled, and tear stains were on his face.
He didn't look like he was breathing.

"Colby! Call an ambulance!" Sam said.
He fell to the floor next to Corey.
"What the fuck happened?!" Sam asked.
"You think I know?!" Corey snapped.
Sam seemed taken aback, but he ignored it.

He helped Corey with carrying Elton, down to the lobby.
Hotel workers rushed over, seeing what was wrong.
Colby was on the phone, ambulance heading to the scene as everyone gawked at Elton.

Corey put a hand on Elton's face.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, under his breath.
Nobody noticed.

A few moments later, an ambulance arrived.
They took Elton on a stretcher.
Sam had watering eyes, Colby's head and heart were racing.
Corey had emotions building up quickly, tears dripping down his cheeks.

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