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hey, im on the computer typing this and it sucks-

"How long do you want me to stay here?" Elton asked, arms crossed as he sat on the couch.
He glanced at Colby, who was on his phone.

"Until you can say bye to Corey." Colby said.
"So weird..." Elton mumbled under his breath.
Colby rolled his eyes as he attempted to keep a straight face.

A minute later, Corey walked downstairs.
His nose was runny, eyes were red and watery.
He looked at Elton before shuffling his feet
Elton stared at Corey.

He stood up, rocking on his heels.
"Well..." Elton said.

Corey flew into his arms, hugging him tightly.
Elton hugged him back.
Corey sniffled.

Elton rubbed Corey's tense shoulder blades, Corey shaking lightly.

"Bye, I guess." Corey mumbled into Elton's shoulder.
"Goodbye, I hope I see you soon." Elton whispered.

Corey smiled to himself, letting go of the other male.

Elton stood up, said goodbye to the others and walked out the front door.
Corey bit the inside of his cheeks, hanging his shoulders as his eyes watered.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now