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Corey woke up, sighing.
He felt arms around him, slowly wiggling out of them.
Corey stood up, opening the blinds.

It woke Elton up.
He groaned, rubbing his eyes.

Elton sent Corey a light smile, standing and stretching as well.

"We can't keep doing this..." Corey whispered.
Elton cocked his eyebrow.
He quickly felt a mood shift.
"This...you cuddling me, being all up close..." Corey mumbled.

Elton, who got immediately defensive, scoffed.
"You think I shouldn't be close?! Corey, I was so close that I was literally inside you, and you wanted it." Elton said.
Corey sent him a glare.

Oh, if looks could kill

Elton let out a sigh.
"That was just a stupid fucking mistake, it was never a good idea." Corey said.
"Really?" Elton asked.
He felt anger rise in his chest.

"Never a good idea? You really had some fun that night, let me tell you." Elton said, nodding his head lightly.
Corey gripped his hair.

"You're a fucking prick." He mumbled, staring into Elton's eyes.
"Yeah? And you're a fucking coward." Elton said.
He jabbed a finger into Corey's chest.
"Because you're scared of facing the truth, the truth that says you enjoyed having sex with a dude."

Corey shoved Elton back.
"And who knows, maybe the truth says you'll want it again-"
"No, I definitely wouldn't fuck you again." Corey said, scoffing.

"Really? Because last time you were all-" Elton threw his head back.
"Elton! Oh Elton, yes! More, Elton, more-!"

Corey slapped a hand over Elton's mouth.
They stared into each other eyes.

Corey's eyes screamed "fuck you!" to Elton.
Elton's eyed screamed for them to stop arguing.

"We shouldn't have ever been friends again." Corey shook his head, eyes watering.

Corey's hand dropped from Elton's mouth, revealing the trembling pair of pink lips.
Corey's jaw trembled too, before he walked into the bathroom.
Elton slid down to the floor, eyes watering too.
He was ready to break down.

He immediately regretted arguing with Corey.

Elton had never wanted this to happen.
It just made everything so hard and complicated.
He just wanted to go back to the time when Elton and Corey were best friends.
The time where everything was fun and truly enjoyable.

Now, everything felt broken.
Especially the bearded male who cried on the floor.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now