Chapter 3

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My fine morning started off as me being awoken by Jax playing his stupid rock music by MugglesAreManiacs- his favorite band. A few minutes later I heard footsteps on the stairs and my mother trying to whisper-yell at Jax for possibly waking me up. My mother opened the door almost silently, and I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to sleep. Then she shut the door back and after her footsteps faded away I tried to jump out of bed quietly but knowing me, that didn't work out, my feet had gotten tangled in the sheets and next thing I knew I was lying in a heap on the floor, after a loud thud of course. I silently prayed that my mother wouldn't come in, but after about 5 minutes of laying in the floor in a very uncomfortable position, I must say, I got up. I went over to my window, with a piece of rope hanging in my room,it's on the back of the house so my parents never go there. I leaned out and looked to the ground and there it was, my new book from my neighbor,it was Looking for Alaska by John Green all I do is read, but my parents don't know, they think I'm reading spell books, although I'm not... You see, my neighbor, he's been my best friend ever since 1st grade, and we do everything together, and he's a bookworm too, so after he finishes a book he sends it up to me on my rope! It's pretty cool actually. But he's a muggle, and tomorrow I have to tell him that I'm going to the boarding school that my brother goes to... And I don't want to lie to him, but I can't tell him! The day after tomorrow me and my family are leaving to go to London and stay somewhere and then after the train leaves, my parents will come back. I sure will miss Kolby, yeah it's spelled with a K not a C, weird right? Well it's against the ministry of magic laws to let a muggle know about the magic community, so there's nothing I can do about it. Im so happy that I get to go to Hogwarts, but on the other hand, I'm super sad that I will lose my best friend...

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