Chapter 57

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When Finn's white wolf came out of the tip of his wand on his try, I was so surprised, I mean I knew he was good at magic, but I didn't know he was that good! Then he grabbed my hand, I think I just about died because sparks of electricity flew throughout my entire body every time we touched. We watched as everyone else go their patronus'. It was really cool to see the little animals fly throughout the room. After Defense Against The Dark Arts, we had a few hours before the Quidditch game, it was Gryffindor against Ravenclaw. In those few hours we went back to the Common Room and tried to study a bit, but that obviously didn't work. August and Finn had been goofing off, and I had to be the adult telling them to stop goofing and study, August had replied with an eye roll, while Finn had said "Alright Mom." Not long after we were all laughing over something Finn said. Then August had ran up the stairs to the boys dorm and returned a few minutes later with some jelly beans that he had gotten on the train here. Finn grabbed a green one and popped it into his mouth, then opened his mouth and croaks of a frog or toad or something came from his mouth.

Could this get any weirder?

After like 30 seconds, it stopped and Finn slowly turned to Gus, "you didn't tell me it would make me talk like an animal!" He said, almost laughing.

I then picked up a purple one and ate it. A lions roar sounded from my mouth.

Finn then grinned and leaned towards me, "grrrr" he said playfully, with a smirk.

Oh, I've got me some weird friends.

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