Chapter 14

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I watched in nervous anticipation as Ez walked up to the stool and tripped. I think she's been hanging around me too much. I thought laughing. She finally sat down and the hat was placed on her head. After what seemed like forever, the hat exclaimed, "GRYFFINDOR!" We all went wild and yelled and whistled, me being the loudest. She came to sit with us, blushing. I still couldn't believe that Laila was a Slytherin. I mean, everyone that's ever tried to take over the world has come out of Slytherin. I mean, Napoleon, Hitler, the creator of the Jersey Shore, and Voldemort. They're pure evil. My thoughts were shaken as giant platters of food appeared in front of us. Steak, chicken, turkey, pasta, pork, potatoes, green beans, stuffing, everything you could think of.

"Dig in." A sharp voice spoke. I turned to see it was Professor McGonagall. I, and everyone else, chowed down into the delicious meal. After everyone had finished their dinner, plates piled high with desserts appeared. Everyone, again, chowed down through the ice cream, blood pudding, and countless other things. I barely listened while Professor McGonagall spoke the rules since I was quite otherwise occupied making myself look good for the girls. As soon as all the announcements were finished, we all stood up and left the dining hall. We were taken by an older student named Jordan Maron, who had dark hair styled into a quiff and chocolate brown eyes to the dormitory. After we reached our destination, a painting on a wall. He explained some things: "The staircase you just walked up is not an average muggle staircase. It actually interchanges with the time of day. So, be very careful-" He was cut off by a loud clang. This was the effect of a suit of armor falling down. After that, a rather annoying ghost appeared. "Oh, look at all the little duckies." He said mischievously.

"Get out of here Peeves?" Jordan asked him. Peeves, answered by giving some rude gestures and then flying away. "That was one of the very many ghosts of Hogwarts. Now as I was saying, be careful on the staircases. Now, this is the entrance to your dormitory." He said gesturing to the painting of an opera singer. She spoke down to us "Password?"

"Potter." He said gently. The door creaked open. We stepped through the opening and ended up in a giant living room. This is the common room. This is most likely where you will spend your free time if you are not out on the lawn or," He whispered the next part, " in Hogsmeade. There is a way down there, but you have to get a slip for permission. I can take you long as you have the form signed."

And with that, Jordan left us to go to a meeting, he said. We all collapsed in our respective dorms, and fell to sleep.

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