Chapter 58

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"You guys are so weird." Ez said playfully.

"Oh, we're weird? You're one of us. You're weird, too." August said matter o' factly.

"Don't listen to him Ez. I think you're grrrrrreat," I said rolling my r's, "Purrrrrrfect even."

"Stop with the cat jokes Finn. Stop it right now." Ez said seriously. "Okay Feisty Pants. Calm down." I said, trying to get her to laugh. She busted out laughing, and so we basically laughed for about the rest of the time until the game.

"We're gonna be late! Let's go!" I said. I could tell August was going to let Ez get on his back, so I jumped on instead and yelled, "Onwards my noble steed!" August was definitely confused, but he still let me ride on his back to the changing rooms for the game, with many weird looks from everyone we passed. We quickly changed into our uniforms and walked out with the rest of the team, holding our brooms at the ready position.

We waited for Jordan to tell us when it was time for us to go onto the field. As soon as we got the signal, we flew off onto the field. I decided to make a big entrance, so I stood on top of my broom, like I was surfing, and flew onto the field, throwing kisses to the crowd and waving. I saw Ez catch one of my 'kisses', as did, ugh, Laila and Ashleigh. I sat back down on my broom, and got ready for the game.

"3... 2... 1... GO!" The referee yelled.

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