Chapter 77

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"Ezmerelda Green, will you go out with me?"

I was so surprised, I didn't think that he would do that! Especially not after our big fight, which happened not that long ago. I smiled nervously, and played with the end of my braid, trying to piece together what to say. I could feel his eyes on me. I looked up, and into those beautiful brown eyes that I have grown to love.

"Yes, of course I will, Finmore."

He looked so relieved as he sighed, and I could tell he had been tensing up, waiting for my response. I put my hand on the table in the middle, inviting him to put his on top of mine. I smiled as he got the message, and laid his slightly bigger hand on top of mine.

A little while later, we found ourselves in the Common Room again, Gus upstairs, packing for home, and I sat on the floor, as Finn sat on the couch behind me, trying to braid my hair.

"Now take the first piece, and put it under the third piece."

"I can't do that if I don't know which one is which!"

Then we both just laughed.

"You'll be a professional braider, by the time Christmas break is over."

"Okay, well, now I think it's time that you learn how to play some Quidditch."

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