Chapter 59

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As soon as the referee shouted "GO!" All of the players flew around, I saw a Ravenclaw throw a ball through one of our hoops easily, then another, finally Gryffindor got one in. Ravenclaw scored another one. So now it was 30-10

"GO AUGUST!!!" I yelled, because they needed to get ahead before Finn caught the snitch. I just then realized that the seeker for the Ravenclaw team was nudging Finn, and Finn was pushing him back. I then saw the snitch ahead of them. They kept hitting each other's sides until the Ravenclaw boy pushed Finn out of the way and grabbed the snitch in a haste.


Finn hit one of the hoops and swiveled through the air on his broom. I gasped in fright, ready to push through the people in front of me to get down to the field, but he caught his balance. He flew to the ground with the other players. Everything was pretty crazy, the Ravenclaw seeker boy was lifted off the ground by the other players. Not longer after, August and Finn appeared in front of me in defeat.

"Awww, come on guys! Cheer up! You tried your best!" I leaned in between both of them hugged them. Finn snuck a quick kiss on my cheek, and I grinned even wider, he probably could feel my cheeks getting redder. We then separated and Finn ran in front of me and squatted down, "Hop on!" He said in excitement. I smiled and got on his back, August and Finn walked all the way back to the Common Room, me ridding piggy back style.

That's how you do it people!

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