Chapter 9

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We had a very productive day after I met Finmore in Diagon Alley, I saw him later in Ollivanders with another guy, August, and they met my brother. After he left, I talked to August a bit, then he had to go. I got me a wand, it's silver with black swirls around it and a black handle, it's made of unicorn blood and hippogryff feathers. I also got a few robes, some more books, just things any wizard would need, and we went by Gringotts to pick me and Jax up some money. Then we crashed at a hotel named Smithey's Hotel For Wizards And Witches. Now, it is morning and I am on my way to Platform 9 3/4 with Jax. Our parents brought us here and then they had to rush back home to get back to work, so now it's just us. After a very long time of pushing my trolley through crowded pathways and keeping up with Jax, we finally made it. "So Jax, how exactly do you go throu-" but I couldn't finish, he just simply took his trolley and went right through the wall with it. I was amazed. Also terrified, as I stood there thinking about how to do that, someone tapped me on the shoulder, "Hey, Ezmerelda, right?" I smiled, it was August. "Yeah, Auggie, just kidding, that's too girly." I laughed, he did too. "So do you have any idea how to get through here?" He asked me. I explained what my brother did. "We can do it together!" He replied. "Uhm, okay." I replied nervously. He stood in front of me with his trolley and ran towards the platform and vanished right into it! I followed with sweaty palms, and I made it through! He was waiting for me on the other side, where the Hogwarts Express was eagerly waiting to be filled with witches and wizards. We went ahead and went through the train doors, because neither of our parents were here to say goodbye. As we were passing down the aisles of compartments, we found an empty one, and I told August to stay there and that I was going to look around. I went down many hallways of compartments, some people staring at me rudely, others greeting politely. I was on my way back when I saw Finn standing outside a compartment full of girls trying to flirt with them through the door because they wouldn't open it. They all looked so annoyed, while Finn was having a great time slicking back his hair and smirking. I walked over to him without him noticing and I was behind him when I said "Boo!" I swear he almost jumped three feet off the ground and then almost fell down. The girls in the compartment were now laughing. Finn made one more face at them through the glass, then followed me. Well, we all know that he's going to be the big flirt of the first-years. "Did you find August?" He asked me, "Yeah, he's waiting for us, well me, he doesn't know you will be coming with me" I smiled as we arrived at our compartment. August smiled his award winning smile when we entered, and we sat down, me and Finn on one side and August sprawled all over the other seat. "You found Finn?" He asked excitedly. "Yeah, flirting, like always." I said with a smirk but then I burst out into giggles. I was interrupted when a girl knocked on our door, she had beautiful curly black hair and was wearing a long sweater with leggings and black flats. Sometimes I feel out of place around other girls, I can't wear shoes like that, they get on my last nerves, converses are amazing though, they are the only shoes I ever wear, I brought like seven pairs with me. August leaned over and opened the door for her. She started speaking very quietly, "there isn't any room in any of the compartments I've checked, would you mind if I join you?" I smiled, "Sure! You can join us, we don't mind!" She walked over and sat next to August. "That is August that you're sitting beside, and I'm Ezmerelda, and this is Finn," I said, motioning to him. She smiled shyly, "I'm Laila."

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