Chapter 91

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We busted out laughing as soon as we were out of earshot of Professor Graham, even though Luke and Laila were right behind us. We were walking down a corridor when we saw it, a huge, wispy, dark shadowy thing, covered in a dark robe-type thing, all ragged at the ends. We couldn't see it's face, but we all ran just from it's appearance. It floated across the ground, slowly, but fast at the same time. It felt like there would never be any happiness in the world again. Like it took all the joy away from us. We ran, and it chased the four of us all the way to the Forbidden Forest. We ran through the trees, me almost tripping but Finn being there to catch me.

Thank you, Finn

We had ran into an open clearing in the forest. When the thing caught up to us. It quickly floated over to Luke, it towered above him. Then it stood above him and breathed in Luke's face. It was like he was sucking the life out of him!


Finn had jumped in front of Luke and cast his patronus. The white wolf emerged from the tip of his wand. The dark object was blown away by his patronus instantly.

Thanks again, Finn...

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