Chapter 60

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Tonight, was the night of the dance. So now, it was time to pick up Ez. I ran up to my dormitory, and put on my tux. I slicked my hair back and up, and walked out of the room. I knocked on the door to the girls dormitory, knowing Ez, she was waiting at the door for me to get there. And I was correct because as soon as I knocked, she opened the door. She looked absolutely stunning with her red hair curled, and a simple strapless black dress, and a pair of black converses. She smiled at me, her pearly white teeth shining brightly.

"Wow, you look stunning. And you stole my shoes you know." I said laughing at the last part. She laughed as she looked down, and in fact, I was wearing a pair of black converse as well, except her's were high-top and mine were low-top. I bowed and asked, "May I escort you to the dance, my lady?" She nodded and I linked my arm with hers and we walked to the Great Hall, which had been cleared out for the occasion. On the way, I saw August standing there with, and this surprised me, Ashleigh.

"How's it going, Gus?" I asked, smirking at him.

"Great. What about you Finn?" He asked, smirking back. "Wonderful." I said, trying to impersonate a British gentleman. Him, Ez, and Ashleigh laughed and I nodded out of satisfaction. We walked into the hall, astonished by all the lights and the decorations.

"Welcome to the dance, Ezzie." Luke said, coming out of the abyss of shadows he lives in. He kissed Ez's hand, and then I jerked it away from him. "Where's your date Luke? Still trying to cover up the green of her skin?" I asked smirking at him, "Or did she just ditch you?" He snarled at me, and then left.

Music started playing over the magical speakers, or whatever.

"May I have this dance?" I asked Ez.

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