Chapter 17

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Finn's song, along with his singing, was amazing, yet hilarious.

Last night before we went to bed, Jordan had handed out our schedules, so we would know where to go today. After breakfast, which was delicious, Finn had ran off sayin that he was going on an adventure, but we both have potions together first, so I don't see why he didn't wait to me, oh well. I started walking slowly down the empty halls, most everyone was still at Breakfast.

Check yes Juliet, are you with me?

Uhg. He had got the song stuck in my head. I checked to make sure no one else was around, nope, it's clear. I started dancing around, singing the song in my head.

Rain is falling down on the sidewalk.

I was jumping, skipping, twirling, doing every motion possible, my red hair was swinging in my face and I couldn't see. I bumped into something, and it didn't feel like the wall. I fell right on my bum, losing my breath, and I heard laughing. I looked up and brushed my tangled hair out of my face, to see Finn and Augst dying laughing. "You liked my song that much Ez? I didn't know you had that in you." Finn said laughing. Apparently I had been singing out loud, great. I glared at them, annoyed. "Oh come on Ez, I was only kidding..." Finn smiled and held out his hand. I grabbed it gratefully, as he pulled me halfway up, then let go. I slammed the ground again. Now August and Finn were holding onto each other because apparently it was so funny. I lifted myself off the ground and ran down the hall to the nearest girls restroom, tears blurring my vision.

Run baby run, don't ever look back!

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