Chapter 93

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I was so grateful that Finn told Luke that I was his girl, and to stop trying to kiss me. If he didn't say that, I think things would've went a lot worse. After Finn left to go find August, I spoke up.

"Laila and Luke, you two just go on back to the castle. You shouldn't be out here, this battle is for me, Finn and August."

"I'm out, bye losers," and Laila strutted out of the forest.

"Luke, you can go, I'm fine." I reassured him.

"No, Finn saved my life, and I'm going to do what he told me to, I have to make sure nothing hurts you, until he gets back."

I sighed, well, he wasn't going anywhere...

"Look, Ezzie, I'm really sorry about everything, the person that tried to take you away from Finn, wasn't me, I'm not like that anymore, I wanted to change, so I did. It's alright if you don't like me, the least I ask for, is friendship."

I smiled and walked over to him, and stuck my hand out in front of me, "Friends?" I asked. "Friends." He responded, and we shook on it. We started walking towards the front of the forest, where we came in, and we had been walking for about 5 minutes when I heard it. It was a rustling, like someone, or something was walking through the woods, not too far away. Then out of nowhere, a person emerged from the trees, dressed all in black, I'm surprised we could even see him, or her. The person even had on a black skull mask. He or she quickly drew their wand from their pocket, and pointed it straight at us. Luke quickly jumped into front of me, shielding me from the person and their wand.

"If you want her, you're going to have to go through me first!" He shouted. Luke then turned his head slightly sideways to whisper something to me, "run." I then grabbed Luke's hand and dragged him with me, as I started to run away from the odd person.

"I just wanted you to go! I was going to distract him!"

"I wasn't leaving you there! He could've killed you Luke!"

"Well now he could kill both of us!"

We ran for our lives through the forest, dodging spells that were being shot from the mans wand.

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