Chapter 5

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I had avoided explaining everything to Kolby yesterday, and we are leaving in 10 minutes! I rushed out the door and ran over to his house, almost tripping over nothing...ugggh...I knocked on his door and his dad politely let me in and I ran up the stairs to his room, I had been here many times before. I knocked on his door and I heard light footsteps coming to let me in. I ran in his room and sat down on his bed, he came and sat next to me, "Is something wrong Mer?" He asked, and yes, he has always called me Mer. "Ihavetotellyousomething" I rushed out. "Uhhm, okay, go ahead." I sat in silence trying to find a way to piece my words together to make it seem not as bad as it really was. "I am leaving to go to a boarding school in London in like less than 10 minutes now, and I was gonna tell you yesterday but I got too nervous, but I'll be back every Summer..." I said that last part with a twinge of hope in it, so maybe it wouldn't seem as terrible. He looked at me with horror in his eyes, "A boarding school? Seriously Mer?" My eyes started getting teary, and I looked up at the blurred outline of Kolby. Tears fell down my face as I leaned into him and sobbed into his shirt. I felt wetness in my red hair, that must mean he's crying too. oh gosh! Now I really do feel bad! We sat there, hugging each other until his dad came in and looked at us with pity, while saying, "Ezmerelda, honey, it's time for you to leave, your parents are waiting for you outside." He then walked out. I slowly unrapped myself from Kolbys arms and looked up into his ocean blue eyes. "I really will miss you so much Mer" he then leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek! No one had ever done that before, I could literally feel my cheeks burning red. "Come down here with me before I go." I said, he followed me to the front door. I hugged his dad, then gave him a nice long hug, followed by a kiss on the cheek, but he probably now has tears all over his face. I turned around and got in the car beside Jax in the back. I rolled down the window as my dad cranked up the car. "Bye Kolby, see you next Summer!" And I swear that as we were driving away, I heard a faint "I love you Mer"

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