Chapter 53

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All of the 5 days that Finn was out, everything was so boring. I got to know August a little more, and I got bombarded by Luke with happy flirts, also many insults from Laila. I had forgotten about my scarf he had given back to me, but I was wearing it now. I had went to the infirmary every day after classes, to see him. I just sat in a chair beside his bed, and held his hand, and told him about everything, sometimes August came, but he came in the morning mostly.

After the scene where Finn had waken up and I shot a very angry glare at Luke, and Finn had walked out, August followed him to tell him that they had a Quidditch game later today.

"Just wait, Ez, I will be with Finn at the dance, us Slytherins always get what we want."

I glared at her angrily as I heard Finns nickname for me come out of her mouth, then she looked at Luke suspiciously.,

What in the world did those two fudge nuggets have planned to keep me and Finn apart?

I threw an annoyed look at them over my shoulder as I strutted out he door. Not long later, Luke ran up behind me saying that he had no idea what Laila was talking about, I knew it was a bunch of crap so I just turned around and we stood almost face to face, me looking up a little. "I don't want to hear anything from you, Luke, I know you and Laila are planning something that will NOT work, so just leave me alone." I said, fuming, with my arms crossed. He then changed his look of surprise to a smirky flirtatious face. He then grabbed my face, his fingers brushing my hair gently, and brought his face closer to mine, I could feel his minty breath on my face like that day before when Finn beat him up. Then he spoke.

"Man Ezzie, you sure are hot when your angry..."

And after a quick kiss on the cheek that I tried to escape from, he was gone.

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