Chapter 56

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"Expecto Patronum!" I yelled as I swished my wand, and a beautiful white wolf emerged from the tip, howling at the roof of the room. He walked over to me and licked my hand, like a real dog. My wolf stood there silently, waiting for me to rub him. Then, he disappeared. I looked around to see everyone staring at me. I had gotten my patronus my first try. I laughed at the faces of the rest of the students, all with their mouths wide open. I put my wand away, smirked, and grabbed Ez's hand, holding it like it was the only thing keeping me sane. Which it probably was. I was somehow destined to do all sorts of wonderful things, and everything I've done hasn't disproved that theory. Magic has just been easier for me somehow. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing. But it's also not a good thing. I feel like a freak. To wizards even!

We watched people trying their patronus'. Laila's was a snake. August's was a lion. Luke's, was a hawk. No doubt about Laila's and Luke's. And August's was very cool. We were all predators that were considered a 'team' of a sort. I know, weird right?

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