Chapter 27

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Finn sure does like to sing, and he's determined to rescue me from any situation. Like from Luke, but I can handle him on my own. After lunch Finn went to the library and August went to go practice flying for Quidditch again. I got the book that Kolby had given me before I left out of my trunk. I went down out of the girls dorm to see that the common room was filled, i couldn't go to the library because me and Finn would probably get into some kind of trouble together. So a few minutes later I found myself sitting against the wall of a corridor, reading Looking For Alaska, I had sat there for a pretty good while, and my legs were getting cramped when I got up to go for a walk. As I got up, I heard rustling coming from one of the knights in the corridor. I walked around to the other side to find Luke standing there smirking with his arms crossed. He walked out from behind the knight whilst I asked, "What in Dumbledore's name do you think you're doing?" He came closer to me until I could feel his breath on my face, it had a spearmint scent. "I was over here admiring you, how you read, you're eyes get big when you read something that must be surprising. When something sad happens, I suppose, your cute little nose gets bigger and dainty little tears pour down your beautiful cheeks." He whispered, smirking, while bringing a hand up to my shoulders and gently choosing a piece of hair to fiddle with. He we was standing here, me having to slightly look up because of his height, and him twirling a piece of my red hair around his fingers. Before I knew it he had spun us around and had me walking backwards until I hit the wall, he started to lean in as my thoughts overtook me and everything happened in slow motion. I don't know how I get caught up in his badboy attitude, but in a way that's kind of like how Finn is, but back at home, in my house beside Kolby, if a troublemaker boy like him would've tried any of this on me, I would've kicked him in the you know where's, but for some reason, Luke was different. I liked it when he was close to me, and I loved the sound of his deep voice whispering in my ear, and I loved his fingers twirling my hair.

I'm falling for a badboy

What do I do?

My thoughts and Luke's slowly leaning into my face was interrupted by an angry voice of Finn.

"What the bloody hell do you think you are doing to my Ez?"

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