Chapter 87

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I woke up to Finn singing-

"Come on beautiful! It's time for your surprise!"

I had never slept better in my life, and it was not going to end now.

"No, Finn, let's just go back to sleep, I'm really tired, just..." With that my head hit the pillow again and I had started to sleep again, before Finn sung again.

"Ezzie Cakes! Hurry! The stars are the prettiest at midnight!"


I felt him grab my waist and pull my up off the floor, he was definitely supporting all my weight, cause I knew I wasn't. He dragged me out of the Common Room and told me to be quiet. Then I crossed my arms and pouted. He smiled at me, gave me a kiss on the forehead and dragged me along farther. He dragged me up so many stairs, I literally didn't think that I would make it. But finally we the top of the Astronomy Tower.

Once we got up there, he told me to look over the balcony, and that's when I started freaking out. It seemed like we were millions of feet in the air.

Have I mentioned that I'm afraid of heights?

Right when I turned around with heavy breaths, about to tell Finn that we had to go back down, two people appear in the doorway.

Laila and Luke.

Just my luck...

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