Chapter 34

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"Once upon a time, at 7:30 in the morning, I was walking into the Leaky Cauldron, being my usual, beautiful and handsome self, caught the attention of many people. But an old man caught my arm and asked for my name. I told him, and then he told me, 'You are destined to vanquish a great evil with the power of a blade known as the Sword of Godric Gryffindor. You will meet people who can help you through this journey. Two warriors, a male and a female, will become your best friends. They will both need to use two of the other three weapons: the wand of Sylvester Slytherin, the bow of Rowena Ravenclaw, and the robe of Helga Hufflepuff. Choose your friends wisely, Mister Cade. And, you are incredibly handsome and smart and any girl would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend.' So there's the story." I said in an ominous, VoiceOver voice.

They both sat there in shocked silence until Ez finally spoke up, "Well, let's work on this in the morning. You two only have a Quidditch game tomorrow night. Otherwise, we're free for anything and everything." August walked up the steps to our dormitory. Ez and I were left alone. But together. So neither of us were alone. This was gonna be the most awkward situation ever.

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