Chapter 51

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I cried as I could tell that Finn was obviously holding back screams of pain. As soon as Hagrid came and picked up Finn from the ground, I ran after him, tears still flowing from my eyes, I wiped them away quickly. August followed after me, along with a worried Luke, maybe he wasn't so bad. We finally made it out of the forest, us having trouble keeping up with Hagrids giant steps, and he was trying to speedwalk, although it didn't really work. A loud really girly scream came from the forest, along with the ground shaking from a big bang. We turned to look behind us, to see a dirt covered Laila, with monstrous hair raising up from her head, emerging from the forest. As we finally made it to the infirmary, Hagrid ran through the doors, us following and we heard Madam Pomphrey shriek as she rushed him to a bed. Another woman in all white came over to us and told us that we couldn't be in here. I tried pushing past her, but she slammed the door in our face.

I spun around and hugged August, needing something to help me stand up, he held me as I sobbed into his shoulder, then I felt Luke behind me, hugging me, but I was too worried to care.

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