Chapter 8

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Oh, Ez. She was truly great. My wonderful thoughts about Ez were interrupted by me tripping over a sign that read: Ollivander's Wand Shop. I quickly stood up and brushed myself off before anyone took notice. Except for an extremely handsome guy standing in the shop. And by handsome, I mean not as good as me, but good enough to be my sidekick friend. He walked out of the store and offered me his hand. "My name is August Blanchard. What's yours?" He asked. "I'm Finmore Cade. You know, the Finmore Cade. I'm sure you've heard of me." I said confidently.

"Um I'm sorry, but no. I'm pretty sure I've just been missing the mail." He said, laughing. Ok, he shared my sense of humor, and almost an equivilant of my handsomeness. This guy was great. I finally took his hand, just realizing he'd kept his hand out for me to shake the entire time.

We walked into the shop together and shared stories of magical messups. By the time we were done I was out of breath and totally off guard. Which of course means it was the perfect moment for a creepy old man to walk out and say, "May I help you?" This made me jump up and fall into a shelf, knocking everything off of it. I am so smooth. When I finally fixed everything and regained some dignity, he asked again, "May I help you?"

"Yeah, do you have any wands?" I asked. He replied by saying, "Yes. Step forward Mr. Cade." I stepped forward while August stepped back and just nodded. When I got up to the desk, a wand case appeared in front of me. I opened the case and took the wand out. It had a brown handle, a black stem, and a silver tip. Kinda like a magicians wand, but actually magical. "That is a hawthrone and phoenix feather, with a hint of dragon heart string and unicorn horn. This is a very powerful wand, almost an exact replica of the wand of a man named Albus Dumbledore. Try it out." He sayed ominously. I flicked the wand and a mini firework explosion came out the tip of it. I heard a feminine voice behind me say, "That was amazing Finn!" I turned around and saw that it was the lovely Ez standing with an older boy wearing a hoodie, jeans, and a pair of converse like mine. He also had a pair of headphones in and his spiky brown hair stuck up like porcupine quills. His icy blue eyes stared at me in a protectiveness for who I assumed was his sister. I backed up a little until I realized that he wasn't staring at me. Him and Ez were staring at August. I decided to be a gentlemen and introduce them. "Ez and other, this is August. August, this is Ez and other." I said jokily. The older boy glared and said, "I have a name you know. I'm Jax. And who are you Funny Boy?" I was getting ready to answer when Ez answered for me, "This is Finmore, or Finn for short." I smiled and did a mocking bow. Jax cracked a smile and shook my hand. I picked up my wand, paid for it, and left with a wave and a happy smile.

After I'd bought all my equipment and checked into the newest building, Smithey's Hotel for Wizards and Witches, I went into my room and collapsed on the bed, thinking about my wonderful day before slipping into a dreamless sleep.

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