Chapter 32

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"I love you Ez." I had never been more serious about anything ever in my entire life. I walked away before she had time to register what I had said. She stood up quickly to catch up with me, but I didn't stop walking. I made my way to the common room without looking back. I couldn't handle what all had happened. I had come to a wizarding school, met the most wonderful girl in the world, met a great friend, been rejected, kissed my first girl, and been rejected again. I came to the portrait, said the password, and went into my dormitory. I quickly fell into a dreamless sleep, with one thought on my mind:



I woke up, and took a shower. When I finished my shower, I walked into the dormitory and grabbed some regular, muggle clothes. We had today off, so I didn't have to wear my robes. I put on a plain black v-neck, a pair of dark jeans and black converse, as well as my light grey beanie. My tousled black hair hung out from under the beanie, covering my right eye slightly. I left to find Jordan because I was spending the day in Hogsmeade, without anyone to mess with me. I handed Jordan my form and headed out to find my carriage. As I neared the cart, I saw a very frightening sight. Black skeletal horses. Pulling the cart. I quickly got into the back, shaking the thought from my mind. I got out of the cart once I reached my destination. I walked into many different shops, buying candies and prank items. Also, muggle items. Which was on my shopping list of mischief and mayhem. Today was the day, I got serious about always being ready for if that 'evil force', that man talked about, comes back. Time to collect some recourses.

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