Chapter 110

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I could feel my own tears soaking Ez's shirt, and her's soaking mine. I looked her in the eyes, smiled, and climbed down the tree, coming up with a plan that was needed. My slight frown turned into a wide grin as the plan formulated in my brain.

"Okay everyone. Here is the plan," I started, noticing that I could only see August's head. "Hello disembodied head of August. But anyways, me and Ez will take the more muggle weapons, where you guys get the wand and robe. But, before that, I've gotta go do something really important so, I'll see you guys then." I finished, running off into the dormitory. I grabbed my broom, my phone, and two pieces of paper. I stashed them in my pocket, grabbed my broom, and ran out into the courtyard. I decided to get a vantage point, so that I could scope out the area.

When I finished my perimeter check, I headed back down to Ez and the guys, seeing them at Hagrid's hut, testing out their weapons. Ez was learning how to shoot straight, Luke was practicing spells, and August was trying out the invisibility and other stuff with the robe. I decided I should get some sword fighting training in, so I summoned a dummy and started slashing.

That's when it happened. The dark mist began coming down, and landed in the courtyard. We all began our run, but I called August and Luke to me.

"Luke, if I die, I want you to help Ez move on. You're a great guy and I wouldn't want anything less for Ez. Just don't take it to far if she's not ready. Don't bug her. August, I want you to take my position in Quidditch. You'll kill it. I also want you to have this sword, and remember me." I said to them, as serious as I was when I told Ez I loved her. Then, we charged straight into the heart of battle.

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