Chapter 102

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My converse pounded against the tiled floors of the lavoratory, looking for the entrance.

"Need some help?" I heard a very girly voice say from behind me. I quickly turned around, ready to draw my sword or my wand at any second. Suddenly, a transparent image of a girl appeared in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked her, still on guard.

"People call me Moaning Myrtle, Hot Stuff. Who are you?" She answered.

"I'm Finn. And, do you happen to know how to get into the Chamber of Secrets?" I asked. She walked, erm, floated over to a toilet and commanded me to flush it. I decided not to get in a fight with a ghost, so I did as she commanded. When I flushed, a rumbling came from below. I could see the floor start to open up, and a staircase appeared below it. I walked down the steps, my sword drawn and ready. I could hear the dripping of water and the padding of my shoes against the ground. But, after a while, a new sound started. A sound that made me run faster. A sound that made me grip the silver hilt of my blade so tight, my nuckles were as white as paper. The sound of Ez screaming. The thought never crossed my mind that she wasn't down there. I didn't think at all about it. Her screams grew louder, as well as the sound of my footsteps. I appeared in a giant open area, with a lake in the middle, surrounded by stone, carved with beautiful masterpieces. I stopped, until I saw it. A humongous snake. Coiled in the middle of the lake. It was so black it looked blue, it's fangs as long as me, it's head as big as two Hagrids. I quickly snuck past it, once I realized it was sleeping. The screams had ceased, which didn't throw me, since they were probably only in my mind.

I had gotten a vantage point on the snake, and could see my reflection in it's shiny scales. My body took over for my mind, and I launched myself into the air, readying my sword to stab it in the back of its head.

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