Chapter 107

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I was almost seeing black, when I heard footsteps, and a voice I thought I would never hear again-


I felt the woman's weight being lifted off of me, and I smiled gratefully before I fell into darkness...


The next thing I felt, was another person, shaking me awake.

"Ezzie! Ezmerelda! Snap out of it! Bloody hell, what'd she do to her?"

I finally opened my eyes slowly, at first it was blurry but once everything focused, I was looking up into the faces of Luke and August.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We don't know, when we found you, Bellatrix was on top of you, doing some spell, and you were on the ground, then you just blacked out." Gus said.

"Yeah." Added Luke. Luke stood up and held out his hand, I grabbed it gratefully, as he helped me up. I then turned my head to other voices I was hearing,

Finn and Bellatrix...

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