Chapter 39

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I followed Finn and Gus out to the field, where I took a place on the bleachers, as they went to go change into their uniforms and find their teamates. I saw a girl sit down a few feet away from me, she had long curly blonde hair, and seemed to be really tall. I moved over to sit beside her and introduced myself, "Hi, I'm Ezmerelda," she looked over and down at me slightly, yeah, she was that tall, and that's saying a lot because I'm pretty tall myself. She smiled and said, "I'm Ashleigh."

Wow, that's a pretty name

We sat there in comfortable silence until the game started. Now, I may not like sports that much, but when it comes to watching, I'm all in.


"GET IT FINMORE!!!" I yelled, smirking because I don't think he likes it when I call him by his full name.

Ashleigh's head jerked around from the mention of Finmores name. She grabbed my shoulder tightly, and I jerked from the sudden touch.

"Finmore who?"

"Finmore Cade."

"You know him?"

"Of course I know him, we're like best friends."

When I said 'best friends' I could see the sadness in her eyes.

I was confused. How did this girl know him? I had never seen Finn talking to her.

Just as I was about to ask her about Finn, he caught the snitch, by doing a successful backflip on his broom, and Gryffindor was in the lead, so they won! We all jumped up cheering for them. The players went back to change again, and I walked down the bleachers to the field, with Ashleigh, I had forgotten all about her knowing Finn in a way I don't know about. I was just happy that I had a friend who was a girl who wasn't a back-stabber like Laila. Not long after we got down there, the players came back out. I waved and August and Finn rushed over to us. The moment Finn had gotten close enough to see well, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.


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