Chapter 112

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I saw the image of true terror standing in front of me. A paper white skull on top of a black robe, pupils like a snakes, bones as brittle as dust. In his hand was a black wand, designed with skulls and snakes. I looked him straight in his slitted eyes and asked, "Hey Voldemort. What's up?"

His head snapped towards me, and a deep raspy voice came out of his throat, "Aha. The great Finmore Cade. Are you here to fight me? Come at me then."

I walked over to Ez, kissed her on the head, and whispered to her, "Ez, I have to do this."

"Who says I'm just Finmore Cade? Cause I'm much more than that. I'm a symbol. And as a symbol, I can be incorruptible. I can be everlasting." I said walking towards him.

"Okay then, Symbol. Let's finish this." He hissed. I charged toward him, my sword raised at the ready. That's when it happened. I could hear and see everything so vividly. Ez's screams, August and Luke watching in horror, and a flash of green light emerging from Voldemort's wand. I felt a sharp pain hit my side, my body colliding with the wall behind me, and my body crumpling to the ground. White hot pain filled my vision, and my breath ran stale. My heart stopped, and my head lolled to the side.

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