Chapter 29

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Finn looked really upset after I made him leave, but he can't just pound on anybody that touches me, it shouldn't bother him that much, he could have any girl, he flirts with all of them.

"Well, he sure did have some spark in him, what's his problem? He's not really your boyfriend is he?" Luke asked as I helped him get up. Luke had a swelling blackening eye, and a purple bruise on his jaw forming, along with a scrape on his hand, I think from hitting the ground so hard, or maybe something was on the ground, I don't know. I lead him to a bench in the same corridor, and sat him down, I told him I was going to get a wet washrag or something from the girls room and for him to just stay put. I speed walked to the nearest girls bathroom and rushed back with some supplies. When I came to a stop at the bench Luke sat at, I sat down in front of him on my knees and dabbed at the cut on his hand. He spoke again. "You know, babe, you never answered my question." He said smirking. I looked up at him with an annoyed look, annoyed because he called me babe in this situation, and annoyed because I don't remember the question. "What question?" I asked, sighing heavily afterwards, wondering what I am going to have to tell Finn later. He took his other hand and lifted my chin up lightly, so that I was now staring into his ocean blue eyes. "Is Finn your boyfriend?" He asked gently. "No" I replied, mesmerized my his beautiful eyes. "Then he shouldn't mind if I do this" he said in a little more than a whisper. He started leaning in, and our lips were centimeters away before I pushed him back. "I can't do this." I said standing up. "What? No! Ez? What happened?" I drilled holes where his eyes used to be with my piercing emerald ones. "Don't call me Ez!" And with that I was halfway turning around before he stood up and winced with pain. "I won't call you Ez, okay? Can you please just help me?" I slowly turned back around and walked over to him slowly, and got on my knees again, finishing his hand, then cleaning off the bruise on his jaw gently, and lastly his shiny black eye, all filled with awkward silence.

"Thank you Ezmerelda, I really appreciate it, I'm sorry for everything," he said walking away. I felt terrible, all of this was my fault. I walked back to the Gryffindor common room, telling the lady in the picture the password, (Snape) only to find Finn curled up on a couch, and I heard sniffling.

Like I said, all of this is my fault.

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