Chapter 100!!!

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Me and Ez began our journey, looking for the Robe and the Bow. We asked around, but no one really knew about anything. Except for Professor Graham. He obviously knew something about it, but he wouldn't tell us.

"Tell us." I said, smirking at Graham and wiggling my eyebrows.

"I- I can't." He said

"Then you've forced my hand." I said, reaching into my pocket, even though the sword was strapped to my back.

"What do you have in your pocket? I don't want any trouble." Graham said backing up.

"Your worst nightmare. And I'll use it, unless you tell me where I can find the Bow and the Robe." I said, switching into my great Batman impression.

"Ok! The Bow is in the Chamber of Secrets, which is entered through the abandoned girl's lavoratory. The Robe can be found on top of the Whomping Willow. But, just know that this choice of yours' has consequences. Now what is in your pocket, Finmore?" He finally said, giving in. I pulled my hand out of my pocket, my hand shaped into a gun. I laughed and ran out of the room, Ez trailing behind me.

"Which one are each of us going to get?" Ez asked.

"I'm sorry to tell you Ez, but I need you to get the robe. I've heard about what's in the Chamber of Secrets, and it's my battle." I said, kissing her on the cheek and running off to find the girls' lavoratory.

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