Chapter 105

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Bellatrix had used the crucio curse on me, and I couldn't stand, but to scream. It hurt worse each time. It felt as if she were stabbing me multiple times, or breaking my lungs, one by one, or even ripping my soul out, piece by piece. I screamed again as the pain returned.

"Now, girl, tell me where your little friends are, we have to kill them too..."

"Kill them?" I asked, in disbelief, and in pain.

"Yes, we have to kill all of you, you are all a threat to Lord Voldemort."

"I will never tell you were they are!" I shouted in her face.

"Then I guess our little game will just have to continue..."

She used the forbidden curse on me again, and again, and again. I had screamed so much, that I was becoming horse. Tears were streaming down the sides of my face, as I lay on the ground, sobbing.

"Stop...plea-...just make it...make it stop." I said through tears.

"Are you going to tell me where I can find the others?"

I shook my head bravely.


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