Chapter 97

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Luke and I had woken up, ate breakfast, talked to Hagrid for a bit, and were about to start to help Hagrid clean his hut up, when someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it." I said. I walked over to the door and opened it to see the faces of my best friends, Finn and August.

"Hey guys!" I said, hugging them both.

"Hey Ezzie!"

"Hey Beautiful!"

I smiled as my cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"Come on Luke, we can go now, they're here!" I said turning to look at Luke, then looking at Hagrid. "Thanks again Professor!"

"Yer welcome, and yer can call me Hagrid." He said smiling.

Luke had gotten up and walked over to me as Hagrid was talking, so I shut the door behind me as Luke and I stepped out. I then remembered what Luke had said about Finn when we were on the top of the Astronomy Tower.

"Finn, why didn't you tell me about everything? I could've helped you, don't you trust me?"

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