Chapter 70

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I walked past Ez, noticing that her eyes were on me, but I didn't give her a reaction. I made my way quickly to the shower, trying to get ready as fast as I could. When I was done, I stepped out, put my robes on and made my way to breakfast.

"How's it going?" August asked when I met him in the Great Hall.

"Just dandy. Wonderful." I said sarcastically. Gus looked hurt, so I apologized to him for snapping.

"It's okay, Finn. I know you're feeling hurt by Ez. Betrayed even. But don't worry about it. You'll find another girl." Gus said trying to cheer me up, "Go flirt with those girls over there." He pointed to a bunch of girls.

I decided to take his advice and try to move on, because Ez obviously had. I walked over to the group of girls, and tried to flirt. What surprised me was that I was really bad at it today. And I know that sounds weird, but it was like I lost my ability to flirt. I finally walked away when I asked for their numbers and my voice came out 3 pitches higher than I could ever wish.

I sat back down at the table beside Gus, when Ez walked in and sat in front of me.

"Finn, we need to talk." She said seriously.

"What, is your new boyfriend still asleep?" I asked, sarcastically, not looking her in the eye.

"Finn, look me in the eye right now," I pulled my hood on my robe up so I didn't have to look at her, "Finn, take off the dang hood and look at me." I whipped my hood off and showed her what had formed last night after I hit the punch table. On my right eye, was a black eye. She looked immediately upset. "Finn, did I do this?" She asked hurt. I quietly nodded and went back to my food. After breakfast, we had a bit of free time, and I was gonna spend it in the same place as last night.

I started strolling towards the tree, when Ez cut me off. "Finn, tell me the truth. Do you actually love me?"

"I'm not answering that until you answer my question. What kind of sick person leads a guy on like that? Huh? And to think, I actually thought I had found one girl who actually connected with me and I thought liked me. I would have been fine if you had told me you just didn't like me that way at the beginning. But 'NO', Ezmerelda has to do something cruel. I don't know why you're a Gryffindor, you should have been a Slytherin." I asked, not waiting for an answer before I walked away, climbing up the big tree.

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